
Name Title School/Division Type
Jason Amato Undergrad Student Employee/BW Business School Student/Staff
Sena Azamat Visiting Scholar School Of Medicine Faculty
Paul H D'Amato MD Retired
Ramatoulaye Diallo Work Study Student Emory College Student/Staff
Mamata Eagam Assistant Professor Emory+Children's Ped Institute Faculty
Lily Kamat Medical School Student
Neha Kamat Asc Public Health Advisor TF Affiliated Organizations Staff
Pradip Kamat Professor Emory+Children's Ped Institute Faculty
Harshita Mruthinti Kamath Assoc Professor Emory College Faculty
Meera Kamath Emory College Student
Stamatios Lerakis MD Adjunct Professor School Of Medicine Faculty
Margaret O'Riordan-Stamato Medical School Student
Teodor Stamatov Facility Maintenance Tech-EPC Emory Primate Center Staff
Yamato Tao Emory College Student
Tyler Yamato-Chang Emory College Student