
Name Title School/Division Type
Marcia Barry Osborne Financial Analyst II (FIN) Vice President For Finance Staff
Thomas Bornemann EdD Retired
Vincent Bornert Doctoral Student/Mo Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Raina Bornstein Emory College Student
Ledisi Bornu Custodian I Campus Services Staff
Jackie Claborn Receptionist, Jolley Res Complex Oxford College Staff
Anecia Inbornone Grad Student Employee/BW Public Health Student/Staff
Katie Lauren Kilborn Artist Affiliate Emory College Faculty
Anna Osborne Grad Student Employee/BW Public Health Student/Staff
Anwar Osborne Associate Professor School Of Medicine Faculty
Darby Osborne Undergrad Student Employee/BW Emory College Student/Staff
Emily Osborne Supv, Clinical Research Nurse School Of Medicine Staff
Rebecca Philipsborn Associate Professor School Of Medicine Faculty
Ryan Saurborn Business School Student
Johnathan Schoenborn Emory College Student
Will Sonneborn Emory College Student
Jen Welborn Dir, Development-GA Humanities Affiliated Organizations Staff