
Name Title School/Division Type
Niels Armbruster Emory College Student
Peter Cegielski Scientist, Sr. (AR) School Of Public Health Staff
Niels Cohen Emory College Student
DeAunna Daniels Doctoral Student/Mo Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Harris Daniels Medical House Staff School Of Medicine Staff
Joyce Daniels Retired
Kyrah Malika Daniels Asst Professor Emory College Faculty
Lisa M Daniels MD Assistant Professor School Of Medicine Faculty
Malcolm Daniels Spons Res Fin Analyst, Sr Research Administration Staff
Michael Daniels Adv Prac Prov (NP/PA), Noc School Of Medicine Staff
Reghan Daniels Law School Student
Tanya Daniels Nursing School Student
Taylor Daniels Work Study Student Emory College Student/Staff
Duke McDaniels Research Specialist School Of Medicine Staff
David Nielsen Law School Student
Kasper Nielsen Emory College Student
Alicja Podbielska Visiting Assistant Professor Emory College Faculty