
Name Title School/Division Type
Cristian Acero Martinez Data Analyst, Sr School Of Public Health Staff
Mario Martinez Birdsong Coord, Operations Affiliated Organizations Staff
Ernesto Blanes-Martinez Assistant Professor Emory College Faculty
Matias Campos-Ladinez Business School Student
Marina Colominas Martinez Non-Emory Student (ETS) Emory Temporary Services Staff
Allyson Dubon Martinez Nursing School Student
Katherine Garcia Martinez Emory College Student
Inez Green Undergrad Student Employee/Mo Theology School Student/Staff
Yareli Gutierrez Martinez Emory College Student
Martinez Jean Claude Work Study Student Emory College Student/Staff
Sara Lainez Allied Health Student
Inez Li Emory College Student
Amin Martinez Landscaper Campus Services Staff
Carmen Martinez Emory College Student/Staff
Catherine Martinez Training Fellow Graduate School Staff/Student
Coral Martinez Baez Recruiter, Senior Human Resources Staff
Cynthia Martinez Work Study Student Emory College Student/Staff
Darline Martinez Work Study Student Emory College Student/Staff
Dennis Martinez Law School Student
Emily Martinez Work Study Student Emory College Student/Staff
Esmeralda Martinez Emory College Student
Evelyn Martinez Work Study Student Oxford College Student/Staff
Fernando Martinez Grad Student Sponsor TU REG Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Frank Martinez Emory College Student
Gerardo Martinez Nursing School Student
Jacqueline Martinez Nursing School Student
Jason Martinez Medical House Staff School Of Medicine Staff
Javier Martinez Business School Student
Jose Martinez Emory College Student
Luis R. Martinez Associate Professor Emory College Faculty
Megan Martinez Training Fellow Graduate School Staff/Student
Melanie Martinez Emory College Student/Staff
Miguel Martinez Data Manager (Admission) EVP Provost Academic Affairs Staff
Ramiro Martinez Dir, Program Finance TCC The Carter Center Staff
Renato Martinez Coord, Program EVP Provost Academic Affairs Staff
Ricardo Martinez MD Adjunct Professor School Of Medicine Faculty
Samuel Martinez Asc Dean, Admiss/Finl Aid SOT Candler School Of Theology Staff
Santiago Martinez Undergrad Student Employee/BW Emory College Student/Staff
Suzana Martinez Emory College Student
Tyler Martinez Undergrad Student Employee/BW Emory College Student/Staff
Vicente Martinez Emory College Student
Will Martinez Academic Advisor Emory College Staff
Alessia Martinez Farah Undergrad Student Employee/BW Business School Student/Staff
Ricardo Martinez Garcia Medical House Staff School Of Medicine Staff
Ana Martinez Gascuena Visiting Fellow School Of Medicine Faculty
Teresa Martinez Gonzalez Emory College Student
Angelica Martinez II Work Study Student Emory College Student/Staff
Eva Martinez Luque Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Gladimar Martinez Martinez Law School Student
Yoana MartinezMonroy Emory College Student
Josue Martinez Ramos Painter/Plaster/Drywall Finish Campus Services Staff
Erick Martinez-Acevedo Emory College Student
Simeiri Martinez-Cruz Emory College Student
Kathy Martinez-Kautz Asc Oper Mgr, Animal Care Emory Primate Center Staff
Ivan Martinez-Kay Undergrad Student Employee/BW Emory College Student/Staff
Jonathan Martinez-Lopez Undergrad Student Employee/BW Emory College Student/Staff
Jose Mendoza Martinez Landscaper Campus Services Staff
Estefanny Perez-Martinez Undergrad Student Employee/BW Business School Student/Staff
Angel Rodriguez Martinez Nursing School Student
Dayan Trejo-Martinez Emory College Student