
Name Title School/Division Type
Margaret Blevins Retired
Margaret Browne Coord, Program Emory College Staff
Margaret Burks Program Admin Asst Emory College Staff
Margaret DiRuggiero Medical School Student
Margaret Dryden Doctoral Student/Mo Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Margaret Flanagan Adjunct Professor School Of Law Faculty
Rosemarie Garland-Thomson PhD Professor Emerita Emory College Faculty
Margaret Gettis Adjunct Instructor School Of Nursing Faculty
Margaret Goracy Assistant Professor School Of Medicine Faculty
Margaret Gregorich Law School Student
Margaret Grubic Theology School Student
Margaret Harper Adjunct Professor Emory College Faculty
Margaret Hecht Emory College Student
Margarito Hernandez Fuentes Grad Student Sponsor TU BME Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Margaret Hinton Retired
Margaret Horne Police Dispatcher Campus Services * Staff
Margaret L Huber RN Mgr, Compliance Research Administration Staff
Margaret Hanifah Huntley Sponsored Research Analyst Research Administration Staff
Margaret E Jenkins RN Retired
Margaret Johns PhD Dir, Cancer Research Dev-WCI Exec.V.P. for Health Affairs Staff
Margaret Johnson Doctoral Student/Mo Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Margaret Jones Asst Professor Emory College Faculty
Margaret Kearney Doctoral Student/Mo Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Margaret Kennedy Medical House Staff School Of Medicine Staff
Margaret Leu Data Analyst The Carter Center Staff
Margaret Lim Medical School Student
Roxani Margariti PhD Assoc Professor Emory College Faculty
Ashley Margaritondo Work Study Student Allied Health Student/Staff
Margaret Master Asc Dir, Programs School Of Public Health Staff
Margaret Matkins Retired
Margaret McGehee Professor Oxford College Faculty
Margaret Milne Retired
Margaret T Murray Research Admin, Post Award III School Of Medicine Staff
Margaret Nagawa Doctoral Student/Mo Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Margaret Nix Retired
Margaret O'Riordan-Stamato Medical School Student
Margaret Parsons Professor Emeritus School Of Nursing Faculty
Lailama Paykargar Assistant Professor School Of Medicine Faculty
Margaret Payne Clinical Instructor School Of Nursing Faculty
Margaret Peddle Retired
Margaret Pinder Grad Student Employee/Mo School Of Medicine Staff/Student
Marija Purgar Filjack Visiting Scholar School Of Public Health Faculty
Nelly Rebollar Vergara Work Study Student Emory College Student/Staff
Margaret Rencher Undergrad Student Employee/BW Emory College Student/Staff
Margaret Riley Adjunct Instructor School Of Nursing Faculty
Margaret Rooney Grad Student Employee/Mo Theology School Student/Staff
Margaret Rowe Emory College Student
Margaret Sinclair Sr Asc Dir, Donor Relations Advancement &Alumni Engagement Staff
Margarita Sison Doctoral Student/Mo Laney Graduate School Student/Staff
Margaret Smith Retired
Margaret Strieper MD Asc Professor, Emeritus School Of Medicine Faculty
Margaret Sweeden Allied Health Student
Margaret To Medical House Staff School Of Medicine Staff
Margaret Trott Med Records Coder I (EMCF) School Of Medicine Staff
Margaret Vogelpohl Undergrad Student Employee/BW School Of Medicine Staff
Margarett Wilson MD/MPH Retired
Margaret Wise Nursing School Student
Margaret Wohlleber Unpaid Trainee School Of Medicine Staff
Margarita Yevzlin Undergrad Student Employee/Mo Oxford College Student/Staff