
How to Correct Information for Healthcare Employees

Online Directory Listing

Healthcare employees by default do not appear in the online directory when viewed from a network external to Emory. Note that for access-control purposes, Guest wireless networks (University and Healthcare) are considered to be external to Emory. To see Healthcare employee directory information when connected from a network external to Emory, use VPN (Info / Connect Now) and try again.

The information listed in the online directory may be "personalized". Personalizing the information is considered "unofficial" and will not change how employee information is displayed in any other directory, application, or system.

To change your directory listing use the MyNetID/Personalize Directory Data (see KB01774). You can make immediate changes to any of the following:

  • Identifiers: First and/or Middle Name and Honorific (Example: MD, PhD, RN)
  • Job Information: Title, Location (Building and Suite/Room Number)
  • Telephone Numbers: Work Phone and Fax
  • Directory Presence: Allow your directory listing to be visible to people outside Emory or prohibit such visibility

Official Corrections

Requests for official corrections may take up to five business days to process.

Name and Title corrections must be handled by Healthcare Human Resources for your location.

The department and division shown for you come from your official HR department. Beginning on 09/01/2009, all employees became associated with a new department identifier as a result of changes necessitated by Project Compass. This value is system-generated and cannot be "personalized." If it is wrong, contact Healthcare Human Resources for your location, who in coordination with the senior business officer of your division, can work with Human Resources on that for you.

Email address corrections are handled by the Access Coordinator for your Department. Only Emory Healthcare email addresses are supported. Personal email addresses will not be displayed.

Work phone and fax corrections must be handled by the Access Coordinator for your Department. To see the change in the Online Directory, you must also change your directory listing using the MyNetID/Personalize Directory Data (tab) (see KB01774).

Mailstop is not yet implemented.

To update your home address, use PeopleSoft self-service.